
Another instance deriving example with template haskell

When I was writing a small template haskell helper for deriving numeric classes, couldn't find an example for deriving instance with passing functions. Deriving a type class with helper functions means, for instance, we write below code in client module:

| deriveNum ''S 'i2s 'unaryS 'binaryS

to get this result:

| instance Num S where
|   (+) = binaryS "+"
|   (*) = binaryS "*"
|   (-) = binaryS "-"
|   negate = unaryS "negate"
|   abs = unaryS "abs"
|   signum = unaryS "signum"
|   fromInteger = i2s

where i2s, unaryS, and binaryS are defined in client side code.

Template haskell helper for deriving instance seems quite common, used in couple packages like safecopy.

There is a haskell wiki page showing template haskell example for deriving instance, however, this was not the case I was looking. Using Data.Derive might help, but in this case, seemed a bit different.

> {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
> module THDeriveExample where
> import Control.Monad
> import Data.String
> import Language.Haskell.TH

In client side module, suppose that we're writing a string representation for numeric expressions:

| newtype S = S {unS :: String}
| instance Show S where
|   show = unS
| instance Eq S where
|   a == b = unS a == unS b
| sint :: Int -> S
| sint x = S $ show x
| sabs :: S -> S
| sabs a = S $ concat ["(abs", unS a, ")"]
| sadd :: S -> S -> S
| sadd a b = S $ concat ["(", unS a, " + ", unS b, ")"]

... and so on. It seems useful if we can use operators '(+)', '(*)', '(-)' directly. Instead of defining smul, snegate .. etc, using helper functions to do this.

| unaryS :: String -> S -> S
| unaryS op a = S $ concat ["(", op, unS a, ")"]
| binaryS :: String -> S -> S -> S
| binaryS op a b = S $ concat ["(", unS a, " ", op, " ", unS b, ")"]
| i2s :: Integer -> S
| i2s a = S $ show (fromInteger a)

As shown above, calling the template haskell helper

| deriveNum ''S 'i2s 'unaryS 'binaryS

gives output something similar to this:

| instance Num S where
|   (+) = binaryS "+"
|   (*) = binaryS "*"
|   (-) = binaryS "-"
|   negate = unaryS "negate"
|   abs = unaryS "abs"
|   signum = unaryS "signum"
|   fromInteger = i2s

So that we can write expressions and view the result:

| *Main> unS ((3 + 10) * 8)
| "((3 + 10) * 8)"

We can write deriving definitions manually, but when the newtype increase, the template haskell instance deriver helps us a lot. Suppose we want a expression node tree instead of raw string representation.

| data Tree = Empty | Node String [Tree]
| data T = T {unT :: Tree}

and in addition to Num, we might want to derive Floating. I don't want to do this manually anymore.

| class Fractional a => Floating a where
|   pi :: a
|   exp :: a -> a
|   sqrt :: a -> a
|   log :: a -> a
|   (**) :: a -> a -> a
|   logBase :: a -> a -> a
|   sin :: a -> a
|   tan :: a -> a
|   cos :: a -> a
|   asin :: a -> a
|   atan :: a -> a
|   acos :: a -> a
|   sinh :: a -> a
|   tanh :: a -> a
|   cosh :: a -> a
|   asinh :: a -> a
|   atanh :: a -> a
|   acosh :: a -> a

As written above, usage of the template haskell function we want to write is:

| deriveNum ''Constuctor 'lifter 'unary 'binary

and it should generate:

| instance Num ''Constructor where
|   (+) = 'binary "+"
|   (*) = 'binary "*"
|   (-) = 'binary "-"
|   negate = 'unary "negate"
|   abs = 'unary "abs"
|   signum = 'unary "signum"
|   fromInteger = 'liter

Firstly, a function to view TH expression in pretty format.

> ppQ :: Ppr a => Q a -> IO ()
> ppQ x = putStrLn =<< runQ ((show . ppr) `fmap` x)

and a dumper:

> showQ :: Show a => Q a -> IO ()
> showQ x = putStrLn =<< runQ (show `fmap` x)

Using instanceD from Language.Haskell.TH to define instance deriving.

| instanceD :: CxtQ -> TypeQ -> [DecQ] -> DecQ

Below is the body of main deriving helper. We will fill in the arguments passed to instanceD', each by each.

> deriveNum :: Name -> Name -> Name -> Name -> Q [Dec]
> deriveNum constr lifter unary binary = do
>   let instanceD' c t ds = fmap (:[]) (instanceD c t ds)
>       contexts = cxt []
>       typ = mkNumTyp constr
>   decs <- mkNumDecs lifter unary binary
>   instanceD' contexts typ decs

The desired result type is Q [Dec], not Q Dec. So wrapping as single element list with fmap and (:[]). There is no constraints used in result output, list passed to cxt is empty.

We want a function:

> mkNumTyp :: Name -> TypeQ

so that it will represent Num S part of below expression:

| instance Num S where

Using expression quotatin with t prefix, to get TypeQ result type.

> mkNumTyp con = [t| $(conT ''Num) $(conT con) |]

Viewing the result:

| *THDeriveExample> ppQ $ mkNumTyp ''Int
| GHC.Num.Num GHC.Types.Int

It is verbose, but that is what we want.

| *THDeriveExample> showQ $ mkNumTyp ''Int
| AppT (ConT GHC.Num.Num) (ConT GHC.Types.Int)

Body of definitions:

> mkNumDecs :: Name -> Name -> Name -> Q [DecQ]
> mkNumDecs lifter unary binary =
>   let lifter' = varE lifter
>       unary'  = varE unary
>       binary' = varE binary
>   in fmap (fmap return)
>      [d| (+) = $binary' "+"
>          (*) = $binary' "*"
>          (-) = $binary' "-"
>          abs = $unary' "abs"
>          negate = $unary' "negate"
>          signum = $unary' "signum"
>          fromIntegral x = $lifter' x |]

Using declaration expression quotation prefixed with d to get Q [Dec] result type.

Since declaration blocks has type:

| *THDeriveExample> :t [d| |]
| [d||] :: Q [Dec]

Pushing return function to inner elements of list inside Q monad.

Helper adhoc orphan instance.

> instance IsString Name where
>   fromString = mkName

Pretty printing the result of deriveNum. We use S newtype and related functions shown in the beginning.

> newtype S = S {unS :: String}
> i2s :: Integer -> S
> i2s = S . show . fromIntegral
> unaryS :: String -> S -> S
> unaryS op a = S $ concat ["(", op, unS a, ")"]
> binaryS :: String -> S -> S -> S
> binaryS op a b = S $ concat ["(", unS a, " ", op, " ", unS b, ")"]

Pretty printing this in ghci will print:

| *THDeriveExample> :set -XTemplateHaskell
| *THDeriveExample> ppQ $ deriveNum ''S 'i2s 'unaryS 'binaryS
| instance GHC.Num.Num THDeriveExample.S
|     where (+) = THDeriveExample.binaryS "+"
|           (*) = THDeriveExample.binaryS "*"
|           (-) = THDeriveExample.binaryS "-"
|           abs = THDeriveExample.unaryS "abs"
|           negate = THDeriveExample.unaryS "negate"
|           signum = THDeriveExample.unaryS "signum"
|           fromIntegral x_0 = THDeriveExample.i2s x_0

It is verbose, and using extra index for variable name, though this is what we've intended to generate.

TAGGED: haskell, templatehaskell